
Services of Worship

We are located on the corner of Millwell Road and Evans Street, Maroochydore [see local map for location and directions], at the signaled intersection please turn West into Millwell Rd and you will find us just around the corner.



The Wesley Mission Project opened late 2020. This provides specialized accommodation for younger people with a disability, and offers dignity and belonging, in a space that is suitable for them. 

We are excited to be sharing in this new ministry for the Maroochydore community.

Come and visit us, and you will find a friendly welcome.
Join in after the service for a cuppa and fellowship.

These web pages will give you some idea of who we are and what you might expect to find.  Please browse through the information below, or use the shortcuts in the menu.

We would love to meet you and make you welcome!

We are pleased that we also offer a Korean Language Worship Service the first week of every month, please follow the menu for details in Korean language. Please join in for lunch following the service.

Worship Times Each week
English Speaking Service 8.30am,

Korean Speaking Service 11am( the first week of every month)